Keto Cheesecake Dip

I live in a green area that is now covered in blackberries! They are my favourite fruit and also happen to be very low in carbs! I've picked so many over the past few days, that I had to start freezing them. Now, I have more than two kilos in my freezer for times when they are not so plentiful.
Keto Cheesecake Dip

Canned Goods
1/4 cup Vanilla or plain whey protein or egg white protein powder
5 drops Stevia extract
Baking & Spices
1 Vanilla bean
1/2 cup Cream cheese, full-fat
1 cup Soured cream / creme fraiche
2 tbsp Powdered erythritol, swerve or other healthy low-carb sweetener from this list (20 g / 0.7 oz)

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