Low Carb Vegan Ramen

This low carb vegan ramen is super easy to throw together, and tastes delicious! Plus, it's gluten free, and a good source of protein, fiber and healthy fats!
Low Carb Vegan Ramen

∙ Makes 1
1 handful Baby spinach
1 Chili flakes
1 Garlic clove
1/8 tsp Ginger
1/4 cup Mushrooms, mixed
1 Scallion
1 Seaweed flakes
1 handful Sprouts
1/4 block Tofu, baked or fried
Canned Goods
2 cups Veggie stock
2 tbsp Soy sauce
Pasta & Grains
1 package Shirataki noodles
Baking & Spices
1 Sesame seeds
Oils & Vinegars
1 tbsp Olive oil

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